Diffusion-ordered spectroscopy (DOSY) is an effective method for the analysis of intact mixtures, but the quality of results is critically limited by resolution in the NMR dimension. A new experiment integrating diffusion weighting into the PSYCHE method for pure shift NMR spectroscopy allows DOSY spectra to be measured with ultrahigh NMR resolution at improved sensitivity.
This paper has been reported in ChemistryViews.

Varian / Agilent
Not Available
Pulse sequence: (right click and chose 'save ... as')
AU program for gradient offset calculation:
au_psyche_idosy (right click and chose 'save ... as')
Bruker shape file for Saltire Chirp:
psyche_saltire_single_10khz_15ms (right click and chose 'save ... as')
Example Data:
zip file.
Pulse Sequence Diagram:

Foroozandeh M,Castañar L, Martins LG, Sinnaeve D, Dal Poggetto G, Tormena CF, Adams RW, Morris GA, Nilsson M, 2016. Ultrahigh-Resolution Diffusion-Ordered Spectroscopy Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2016, 55 (50), pp 15579–15582
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