The 1D selective TOCSY-PSYCHE is an experiment proposed to aid the identification of components in complex systems, including mixtures. It greatly enhances spectral resolution, by generating a pure shift spectrum, with multiplet structure suppressed, only for those spins coupled to a chosen chemical shift.
Varian / Agilent
Not Available.
Pulse sequence:
seldipsy (right click and chose 'save ... as')
The pulse sequence can be understood as the concatenation of a 1D selective TOCSY, as preparation period, with the PSYCHE experiment, to produce interferogram style FID after procesing.
Reconstruction Program:
Should be saved in "C:\Bruker\TopSpin3.2\exp\stan\nmr\au\src\user" or the equivalent on your system.
For Topspin 2 and Topspin 3: pshift (right click and chose 'save ... as')
Dal Poggetto, G.; Castañar, L.; Morris, G. A.; Nilsson, M.; RSC Adv. 6, 100063-100066, 2016.
DOI: 10.1039/C6RA22807K