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Journal Article
Dal Poggetto, G, Favaro DC, Nilsson M, Morris GA, Tormena CF.  2014.  19F DOSY NMR analysis for spin systems with nJFF couplings. Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry. 52:172-177. Abstract
Kiraly, P, Foroozandeh M, Nilsson M, Morris GA.  2017.  Anatomising proton NMR spectra with pure shift 2D J-spectroscopy: A cautionary tale. Chemical Physics Letters. 683:398-403.
Fu, W, Alam TM, Li J, Bustamante J, Lien T, Adams RW, Teat SJ, Stokes BJ, Yang W, Liu Y et al..  2020.  Arene Substitution Design for Controlled Conformational Changes of Dibenzocycloocta-1,5-dienes. Journal of the American Chemical Society. 142(39):16651-16660.
Freeman, R, Morris GA.  1978.  ASSIGNMENT OF C-13 NMR-SPECTRA BY J-SCALING. Journal of Magnetic Resonance. 29:173-176.
Freeman, R, Morris GA.  2011.  The ‘DANTE’ experiment. Journal of Magnetic Resonance. 213(2):244-246.
Bhacca, NS, Balandrin MF, Kinghorn AD, Frenkiel TA, Freeman R, Morris GA.  1983.  C-13 AND PROTON TWO-DIMENSIONAL NMR-STUDY OF THE ORMOSIA ALKALOIDS PANAMINE, ORMOSANINE, AND ORMOSININE. Journal of the American Chemical Society. 105:2538-2544.
Freeman, R, Grutzner JB, Morris GA, Turner DL.  1978.  Carbon-13 nuclear magnetic resonance spectra with coherent proton decoupling: peak-height distortions within spin multiplets. Journal of the American Chemical Society. 100(18):5637-5640.
Ferrando-Soria, Jùs, Fernandez A, Moreno Pineda E, Varey SA, Adams RW, Vitorica-Yrezabal I​ñ​igoJ, Tuna F, Timco GA, Muryn CA, Winpenny REP.  2015.  Controlled Synthesis of Nanoscopic Metal Cages. Journal of the American Chemical Society. 137(24):7644-7647.
Bax, A, Freeman R, Morris GA.  1981.  CORRELATION OF PROTON CHEMICAL-SHIFTS BY TWO-DIMENSIONAL FOURIER-TRANSFORM NMR. Journal of Magnetic Resonance. 42:164-168.
Adams, RW, Byrne L, Kiraly P, Foroozandeh M, Paudel L, Nilsson M, Clayden J, Morris GA.  2014.  Diastereomeric ratio determination by high sensitivity band-selective pure shift NMR spectroscopy. Chemical Communications. 50(19):2512.
Morris, GA, Freeman R.  1979.  Enhancement of nuclear magnetic resonance signals by polarization transfer. Journal of the American Chemical Society. 101(3):760-762.
Freeman, R, Morris GA.  1978.  Experimental chemical shift correlation maps in nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. Journal of the Chemical Society, Chemical Communications. (16):684.
Le Bailly, BAF, Byrne L, Diemer V, Foroozandeh M, Morris GA, Clayden J.  2015.  Flaws in foldamers: conformational uniformity and signal decay in achiral helical peptide oligomers. Chem. Sci.. 6(4):2313-2322.
Sinnaeve, D, Foroozandeh M, Nilsson M, Morris GA.  2016.  A General Method for Extracting Individual Coupling Constants from Crowded 1 H NMR Spectra. Angewandte Chemie International Edition. 55(3):1090-1093.
Goodwin, CAP, Joslin KC, Lockyer SJ, Formanuik A, Morris GA, Ortu F, Vitorica-Yrezabal I​ñ​igoJ, Mills DP.  2015.  Homoleptic Trigonal Planar Lanthanide Complexes Stabilized by Superbulky Silylamide Ligands. Organometallics. :150213001042005.
Foroozandeh, M, Nilsson M, Morris GA.  2019.  Improved ultra-broadband chirp excitation. Journal of Magnetic Resonance. 302:28-33.
Power, JE, Foroozandeh M, Adams RW, Nilsson M, Coombes SR, Phillips AR, Morris GA.  2016.  Increasing the quantitative bandwidth of NMR measurements. Chem. Commun.. 52(14):2916-2919.
Nishida, T, Morris GA, Forsblom I, Wahlberg I, Enzell CR.  1986.  LONG-RANGE PROTON CARBON CHEMICAL-SHIFT CORRELATION BY 1D AND 2D NMR-SPECTROSCOPY - STRUCTURE OF A SUCROSE ESTER. Journal of the Chemical Society-Chemical Communications. :998-1000.
Foroozandeh, M, Adams RW, Kiraly P, Nilsson M, Morris GA.  2015.  Measuring couplings in crowded NMR spectra: pure shift NMR with multiplet analysis. Chem. Commun.. 51(84):15410-15413.
Bodenhausen, G, Freeman R, Morris GA, Turner DL.  1978.  NMR spectra of some simple spin systems studied by two-dimensional fourier transformation of spin echoes. Journal of Magnetic Resonance (1969). 31(1):75-95.
Barjat, H, Chilvers PB, Fetler BK, Horne TJ, Morris GA.  1997.  A practical method for automated shimming with normal spectrometer hardware. Journal of Magnetic Resonance. 125:197-201.
Freeman, R, Morris GA, Turner DL.  1977.  PROTON-COUPLED C-13 J SPECTRA IN PRESENCE OF STRONG COUPLING .1. Journal of Magnetic Resonance. 26:373-378.