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Närväinen, J, Hubbard PL, Kauppinen RA, Morris GA.  2010.  Z-spectroscopy with Alternating-Phase Irradiation. Journal of Magnetic Resonance. 207(2):242-250.
Neuhaus, D, Bodenhausen G, Gadian D, Meier B, Morris GA.  2016.  Fifty years of “Progress in NMR Spectroscopy” – An editorial from the present Editorial Board. Progress in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy. 94-95:A2.
Nilsson, M, Morris GA.  2005.  Improving pulse sequences for 3D DOSY: Convection compensation. Journal of Magnetic Resonance. 177(2):203-211.
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Nilsson, M, Morris GA.  2007.  Pure shift proton DOSY: diffusion-ordered 1H spectra without multiplet structure. Chemical Communications. (9):933-935.
Nilsson, M, Gil AM, Delgadillo I, Morris GA.  2005.  Improving pulse sequences for 3D DOSY: COSY-IDOSY. Chemical Communications. (13):1737.
Nilsson, M, Gil AM, Delgadillo I, Morris GA.  2004.  Improving Pulse Sequences for 3D Diffusion-Ordered NMR Spectroscopy: 2DJ-IDOSY. Analytical Chemistry. 76(18):5418-5422.
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Nilsson, M, Botana A, Morris GA.  2009.  T1-Diffusion-Ordered Spectroscopy: Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Mixture Analysis Using Parallel Factor Analysis. Analytical Chemistry. 81(19):8119-8125.
Nilsson, M.  2009.  The DOSY Toolbox: A new tool for processing PFG NMR diffusion data. Journal of Magnetic Resonance. 200(2):296-302.
Nilsson, M, Morris GA.  2007.  Improved DECRA processing of DOSY data: correcting for non-uniform field gradients. Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry. 45(8):656-660.
Nilsson, M, Morris GA.  2006.  Correction of systematic errors in CORE processing of DOSY data. Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry. 44(7):655-660.
Nilsson, M, Duarte IF, Almeida C, Delgadillo I, Goodfellow BJ, Gil AM, Morris GA.  2004.  High-Resolution NMR and Diffusion-Ordered Spectroscopy of Port Wine. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 52(12):3736-3743.
Nilsson, M, Andersson R, Ã…man P.  1999.  Arabinoxylan fractionation on DEAE-cellulose chromatography influenced by protease pre-treatment. Carbohydrate Polymers. 39(4):321-326.
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Nilsson, M, Connell MA, Davis AL, Morris GA.  2006.  Biexponential Fitting of Diffusion-Ordered NMR Data:  Practicalities and Limitations. Analytical Chemistry. 78(9):3040-3045.
Nishida, T, Morris GA, Forsblom I, Wahlberg I, Enzell CR.  1986.  LONG-RANGE PROTON CARBON CHEMICAL-SHIFT CORRELATION BY 1D AND 2D NMR-SPECTROSCOPY - STRUCTURE OF A SUCROSE ESTER. Journal of the Chemical Society-Chemical Communications. :998-1000.
Nishida, T, Enzell CR, Morris GA.  1986.  CONCERTED USE OF HOMO-NUCLEAR AND HETERO-NUCLEAR 2D NMR - C-13 AND H-1 ASSIGNMENT OF SUCROSE OCTAACETATE. Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry. 24:179-182.