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Journal Article
Staniland, S, Adams RW, McDouall JJW, Maffucci I, Contini A, Grainger DM, Turner NJ, Clayden J.  2016.  Biocatalytic Dynamic Kinetic Resolution for the Synthesis of Atropisomeric Biaryl N-Oxide Lewis Base Catalysts. Angewandte Chemie. 128(36):10913-10917.
Sharif, S, Gifford L, Morris GA, Barber J.  2003.  Can We Predict Student Success (and Reduce Student Failure)? Pharmacy Education. 3(2):77-86.
Freeman, R, Grutzner JB, Morris GA, Turner DL.  1978.  Carbon-13 nuclear magnetic resonance spectra with coherent proton decoupling: peak-height distortions within spin multiplets. Journal of the American Chemical Society. 100(18):5637-5640.
Sharif, S, Gifford L, Morris GA, Barber J.  2007.  Diagnostic testing of first year pharmacy students: A tool for targeted student support. Pharmacy Education. 7(3):215-221.
Edwards, AC, Wagner C, Geist A, Burton NA, Sharrad CA, Adams RW, Pritchard RG, Panak PJ, Whitehead RC, Harwood LM.  2016.  Exploring electronic effects on the partitioning of actinides (III) from lanthanides (III) using functionalised bis-triazinyl phenanthroline ligands. Dalton Trans.. 45:18102-18112.
Neuhaus, D, Bodenhausen G, Gadian D, Meier B, Morris GA.  2016.  Fifty years of “Progress in NMR Spectroscopy” – An editorial from the present Editorial Board. Progress in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy. 94-95:A2.
Morris, GA, Gibbs A.  1991.  HETERONUCLEAR POLARIZATION TRANSFER BY MLEV-16 ISOTROPIC MIXING. Journal of Magnetic Resonance. 91:444-449.
Nilsson, M, Duarte IF, Almeida C, Delgadillo I, Goodfellow BJ, Gil AM, Morris GA.  2004.  High-Resolution NMR and Diffusion-Ordered Spectroscopy of Port Wine. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 52(12):3736-3743.
Morris, GA, Gibbs A.  1988.  HIGH-SENSITIVITY, HIGH-RESOLUTION NMR IN INHOMOGENEOUS MAGNETIC-FIELDS. Journal of Magnetic Resonance. 78:594-596.
Goodwin, CAP, Joslin KC, Lockyer SJ, Formanuik A, Morris GA, Ortu F, Vitorica-Yrezabal I​ñ​igoJ, Mills DP.  2015.  Homoleptic Trigonal Planar Lanthanide Complexes Stabilized by Superbulky Silylamide Ligands. Organometallics. :150213001042005.
Nilsson, M, Gil AM, Delgadillo I, Morris GA.  2004.  Improving Pulse Sequences for 3D Diffusion-Ordered NMR Spectroscopy: 2DJ-IDOSY. Analytical Chemistry. 76(18):5418-5422.
Nilsson, M, Gil AM, Delgadillo I, Morris GA.  2005.  Improving pulse sequences for 3D DOSY: COSY-IDOSY. Chemical Communications. (13):1737.
Stewart, LJ, Bailey S, Collison D, Morris GA, Preece I, Garner CD.  2001.  In vivo oxo transfer: Reactions of native and W-substituted dimethyl sulfoxide reductase monitored by H-1 NMR spectroscopy. Chembiochem. 2:703-706.
Sandor, P, Morris GA, Gibbs A.  1989.  INTERATIVE ANALYSIS OF STRONG COUPLING EFFECTS IN SEMISELECTIVE J-SPECTROSCOPY. Journal of Magnetic Resonance. 81:255-261.
Sharif, S, Gifford L, Morris GA, Barber J.  2007.  An investigation of the self-evaluation skills of first year pharmacy students. Pharmacy Education. 7(4):295-302.
Barber, J, Gyi JI, Morris GA, Pye DA, Sutherland JK.  1990.  ISOMERIZATION OF ERYTHROMYCIN-A IN DEUTERIUM-OXIDE AND H-2(6) DIMETHYL-SULFOXIDE SOLUTIONS - A H-1 AND C-13 NMR-STUDY. Journal of the Chemical Society-Chemical Communications. :1040-1041.
Smith, MJ, Bramham JE, Nilsson M, Morris GA, Castanar L, Golovanov AP.  2023.  Lighting up spin systems: enhancing characteristic 1H signal patterns of fluorinated molecules. Chem. Commun.. 59:11692-11695.
Morris, GA, Gibbs A.  1991.  LONG-RANGE HETERONUCLEAR CORRELATION 2D NMR BY MLEV-16 ISOTROPIC MIXING. Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry. 29:83-87. Abstract
Gramosa, NV, Ricardo NágilaMSP, Adams RW, Morris GA, Nilsson M.  2016.  Matrix-assisted diffusion-ordered spectroscopy: choosing a matrix. Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry. 54(10):815-820.
Hassanzadeh, A, Barber J, Morris GA, Gorry PA.  2007.  Mechanism for the degradation of erythromycin A and erythromycin A 2 '-ethyl succinate in acidic aqueous solution. Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 111:10098-10104. Abstract
Bristow, S, Garner CD, Hagyard SK, Morris GA, Nicholson JR, Mills CF.  1985.  MO-95 NMR-SPECTROSCOPY AS A PROBE OF BIOLOGICAL-SYSTEMS - THE DETECTION OF TETRAOXO-MOLYBDATE(VI) AND TETRATHIO-MOLYBDATE(VI) BOUND TO BOVINE SERUM-ALBUMIN. Journal of the Chemical Society-Chemical Communications. :479-481.
Vieira, MGS, Gramosa NV, Ricardo NágilaMPS, Morris GA, Adams RW, Nilsson M.  2014.  Natural product mixture analysis by matrix-assisted DOSY using Brij surfactants in mixed solvents. RSC Adv.. 4(79):42029-42034.
Hassanzadeh, A, Gorry PA, Morris GA, Barber J.  2006.  Pediatric erythromycins: a comparison of the properties of erythromycins A and B 2 '-ethyl succinates. Journal of Medicinal Chemistry. 49:6334-6342. Abstract