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Nilsson, M, Saulnier L, Andersson R, Ã…man P.  1996.  Water unextractable polysaccharides from three milling fractions of rye grain. Carbohydrate Polymers. 30(4):229-237.
Zhu, XP, Chilvers PB, Hutchinson CE, Morris GA, Hawnaur JM, Adams JE, Taylor CJ.  1997.  Contrast-modified gradient echo imaging using rotary echo preparatory pulses. Magnetic Resonance Materials in Physics Biology and Medicine. 5:193-200. Abstract
Ã…man, P, Nilsson M, Andersson R.  1997.  Positive Health Effects of Rye.. Cereal Foods World. 42(8):684-688.
Nilsson, M, Ã…man P, Härkönen H, Hallmans Göran, Knudsen KEB, Mazur W, Adlercreutz H.  1997.  Content of Nutrients and Lignans in Roller Milled Fractions of Rye. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture. 73(2):143-148.
Nilsson, M, Ã…man P, Härkönen H, Hallmans Göran, Knudsen KEB, Mazur W, Adlercreutz H.  1997.  Nutrient and lignan content, dough properties and baking performance of rye samples used in Scandinavia. Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica, Section B - Plant Soil Science. 47(1):26-34.
Nilsson, M, Andersson R, Ã…man P.  1999.  Arabinoxylan fractionation on DEAE-cellulose chromatography influenced by protease pre-treatment. Carbohydrate Polymers. 39(4):321-326.
Nilsson, M, Andersson R, Andersson R, Autio K, Ã…man P.  2000.  Heterogeneity in a water-extractable rye arabinoxylan with a low degree of disubstitution. Carbohydrate Polymers. 41(4):397-405.
Harris, RK, Kinnear KA, Morris GA, Stchedroff MJ, Samadi-Maybodi A, Azizi N.  2001.  Silicon-29 diffusion-ordered NMR spectroscopy (DOSY) as a tool for studying aqueous silicates. Chemical Communications. :2422-2423. Abstract
Nilsson, M, Duarte IF, Almeida C, Delgadillo I, Goodfellow BJ, Gil AM, Morris GA.  2004.  High-Resolution NMR and Diffusion-Ordered Spectroscopy of Port Wine. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 52(12):3736-3743.
Aguilar, JA, Faulkner S, Nilsson M, Morris GA.  2010.  Pure Shift 1H NMR: A Resolution of the Resolution Problem? Angewandte Chemie International Edition. 49:3901–3903.
Morris, GA, Aguilar JA, Evans R, Haiber S, Nilsson M.  2010.  True Chemical Shift Correlation Maps: A TOCSY Experiment with Pure Shifts in Both Dimensions. Journal of the American Chemical Society. 132(37):12770-12772.
Arthurs, CL, Morris GA, Piacenti M, Pritchard RG, Stratford IJ, Tatic T, Whitehead RC, Williams KF, Wind NS.  2010.  The synthesis of 2-oxyalkyl-cyclohex-2-enones, related to the bioactive natural products COTC and antheminone A, which possess anti-tumour properties. Tetrahedron. 66(46):9049-9060.
Botana, A, Aguilar JA, Nilsson M, Morris GA.  2011.  J-modulation effects in DOSY experiments and their suppression: The Oneshot45 experiment. Journal of Magnetic Resonance. 208(2):270-278.
Aguilar, JA, Nilsson M, Morris GA.  2011.  Simple Proton Spectra from Complex Spin Systems: Pure Shift NMR Spectroscopy Using BIRD. Angewandte Chemie International Edition. :n/a-n/a.
Adams, RW, Aguilar JA, Cassani J, Morris GA, Nilsson M.  2011.  Resolving natural product epimer spectra by matrix-assisted DOSY. Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry. 9(20):7062-7064.
Morris, GA, Nilsson M, Bodenhausen G, Aguilar JA.  2011.  Spin echo NMR spectra without J modulation. Chemical Communications.
Aguilar, JA, Colbourne A, Cassani J, Nilsson M, Morris GA.  2012.  Decoupling Two-Dimensional NMR Spectroscopy in Both Dimensions: Pure Shift NOESY and COSY. Angewandte Chemie International Edition. 51:6460-6463.
Aguilar, JA, Nilsson M, Bodenhausen G, Morris GA.  2012.  Spin echo NMR spectra without J modulation. Chemical Communications. 48(6):811.
De Poli, M, De Zotti M, Raftery J, Aguilar JA, Morris GA, Clayden J.  2013.  Left-Handed Helical Preference in an Achiral Peptide Chain Is Induced by an L-Amino Acid in an N-Terminal Type II beta-Turn. The Journal of Organic Chemistry. 78(6):2248-2255.
Islam, S, Aguilar JA, Powner MW, Nilsson M, Morris GA, Sutherland JD.  2013.  Detection of Potential TNA and RNA Nucleoside Precursors in a Prebiotic Mixture by Pure Shift Diffusion-Ordered NMR Spectroscopy. Chemistry - A European Journal. 19(14):4586-4595.
Paudel, L, Adams RW, Kiraly P, Aguilar JA, Foroozandeh M, Cliff MJ, Nilsson M, Sándor Péter, Waltho JP, Morris GA.  2013.  Simultaneously Enhancing Spectral Resolution and Sensitivity in Heteronuclear Correlation NMR Spectroscopy. Angewandte Chemie International Edition. 52(44):11616-11619.