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Journal Article
Moutzouri, P, Kiraly P, Phillips AR, Coombes SR, Nilsson M, Morris GA.  2017.  13C Satellite-Free 1H NMR Spectra. Analytical Chemistry. 89:11898-11901.
Dal Poggetto, G, Favaro DC, Nilsson M, Morris GA, Tormena CF.  2014.  19F DOSY NMR analysis for spin systems with nJFF couplings. Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry. 52:172-177. Abstract
Dal Poggetto, G, Antunes VU, Nilsson M, Morris GA, Tormena CF.  2017.  19F NMR matrix-assisted DOSY: a versatile tool for differentiating fluorinated species in mixtures. Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry. 55:323-328.
Petersen, BO, Nilsson M, Bøjstrup M, Hindsgaul O, Meier S.  2013.  1H NMR Spectroscopy For Profiling Complex Carbohydrate Mixtures in Non-Fractionated Beer. Food Chemistry.
Stchedroff, MJ, Kenwright AM, Morris GA, Nilsson M, Harris RK.  2004.  2D and 3D DOSY methods for studying mixtures of oligomeric dimethylsiloxanes. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 6(13):3221.
Dal Poggetto, G, Antunes VU, Nilsson M, Morris GA, Tormena CF.  2016.  19F NMR matrix-assisted DOSY: a versatile tool for differentiating fluorinated species in mixtures. Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry.
Timári, Ián, Kaltschnee L, Kolmer A, Adams RW, Nilsson M, Thiele CM, Morris GA, Kövér KE.  2013.  Accurate determination of one-bond heteronuclear coupling constants with “pure shift” broadband proton-decoupled CLIP/CLAP-HSQC experiments. Journal of Magnetic Resonance. 239:130-138.
Timári, Ián, Kaltschnee L, Kolmer A, Adams RW, Nilsson M, Thiele CM, Morris GA, Kövér KE.  2014.  Accurate determination of one-bond heteronuclear coupling constants with “pure shift” broadband proton-decoupled CLIP/CLAP-HSQC experiments. Journal of Magnetic Resonance. 239:130-138.
Mordi, MN, Pelta MD, Boote V, Morris GA, Barber J.  2000.  Acid-catalyzed degradation of clarithromycin and erythromycin B: A comparative study using NMR spectroscopy. Journal of Medicinal Chemistry. 43:467-474. Abstract
Bollans, L, Bacsa J, Iggo JA, Morris GA, Stachulski AV.  2009.  The acyl nitroso Diels-Alder (ANDA) reaction of sorbate derivatives: an X-ray and N-15 NMR study with an application to amino-acid synthesis. Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry. 7:4531-4538. Abstract
Barjat, H, Morris GA, Newman MJ, Swanson AG.  1996.  Adaptation of commercial 500 mHz probes for LCNMR. Journal of Magnetic Resonance Series A. 119:115-119.
BjörnerÃ¥s, J, Nilsson M, Mäler L.  2015.  Analysing DHPC/DMPC bicelles by diffusion NMR and multivariate decomposition. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Biomembranes. 1848(11):2910-2917.
Bowyer, PJ, Swanson AG, Morris GA.  2001.  Analyzing and correcting spectrometer temperature sensitivity. Journal of Magnetic Resonance. 152:234-246. Abstract
Kiraly, P, Foroozandeh M, Nilsson M, Morris GA.  2017.  Anatomising proton NMR spectra with pure shift 2D J-spectroscopy: A cautionary tale. Chemical Physics Letters. 683:398-403.
Morris, GA.  1988.  ASSESSMENT OF SPECTROMETER PULSE REPRODUCIBILITY. Journal of Magnetic Resonance. 78:281-291.
Freeman, R, Morris GA.  1978.  ASSIGNMENT OF C-13 NMR-SPECTRA BY J-SCALING. Journal of Magnetic Resonance. 29:173-176.
Chilvers, PB, Morris GA.  1998.  Automated shimming with normal spectrometer hardware: 3D profile edge shimming. Journal of Magnetic Resonance. 133:210-215. Abstract
Lee, KS, Morris GA.  1988.  AVOIDING DYNAMIC-RANGE PROBLEMS IN INDIRECT DETECTION EXPERIMENTS. Journal of Magnetic Resonance. 78:156-160.
Kaltschnee, L, Kolmer A, Timari I, Schmidts V, Adams RW, Nilsson M, Köver KE, Morris GA, Thiele CM.  2014.  â€œPerfecting” pure shift HSQC: full homodecoupling for accurate and precise determination of heteronuclear couplings. Chem. Commun.. 50:2512-2514.
Freeman, R, Morris GA.  2011.  The ‘DANTE’ experiment. Journal of Magnetic Resonance. 213(2):244-246.
Barjat, H, Chadwick GP, Morris GA, Swanson AG.  1995.  THE BEHAVIOR OF MULTIPLET SIGNALS UNDER RADIATION DAMPING CONDITIONS .1. CLASSICAL EFFECTS. Journal of Magnetic Resonance Series A. 117:109-112.