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Dal Poggetto, G, Antunes VU, Nilsson M, Morris GA, Tormena CF.  2017.  19F NMR matrix-assisted DOSY: a versatile tool for differentiating fluorinated species in mixtures. Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry. 55:323-328.
Hernandez-Cid, A, Piekarska M, Adams RW, Nilsson M, Evans R, Morris GA.  2017.  Matrix-assisted diffusion-ordered NMR spectroscopy with an invisible, tuneable matrix. RSC Adv.. 7:10757-10762. Abstract
Foroozandeh, M, Casta​ñ​ar L, Martins LG, Sinnaeve D, Dal Poggetto G, Tormena CF, Adams RW, Morris GA, Nilsson M.  2016.  Ultrahigh-Resolution Diffusion-Ordered Spectroscopy. Angewandte Chemie International Edition. 55(50):15579–15582.
Dal Poggetto, G, Antunes VU, Nilsson M, Morris GA, Tormena CF.  2016.  19F NMR matrix-assisted DOSY: a versatile tool for differentiating fluorinated species in mixtures. Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry.
Wan, J, Mobli M, Brust A, Muttenthaler M, Andersson Ã…sa, Ragnarsson L, Castro J, Vetter I, Huang JX, Nilsson M et al..  2016.  Synthesis of Multivalent [Lys8]-Oxytocin Dendrimers that Inhibit Visceral Nociceptive Responses. Australian Journal of Chemistry.
Timári, Ián, Kaltschnee L, Raics MáriaH, Roth F, Bell NGA, Adams RW, Nilsson M, Uhrín DÅ¡an, Morris GA, Thiele CM et al..  2016.  Real-time broadband proton-homodecoupled CLIP/CLAP-HSQC for automated measurement of heteronuclear one-bond coupling constants. RSC Adv.. 6(91):87848-87855.
Staniland, S, Adams RW, McDouall JJW, Maffucci I, Contini A, Grainger DM, Turner NJ, Clayden J.  2016.  Biocatalytic Dynamic Kinetic Resolution for the Synthesis of Atropisomeric Biaryl N-Oxide Lewis Base Catalysts. Angewandte Chemie. 128(36):10913-10917.
Kaltschnee, L, Knoll K, Schmidts V, Adams RW, Nilsson M, Morris GA, Thiele CM.  2016.  Extraction of distance restraints from pure shift NOE experiments. Journal of Magnetic Resonance. 271:99-109.
Edwards, AC, Wagner C, Geist A, Burton NA, Sharrad CA, Adams RW, Pritchard RG, Panak PJ, Whitehead RC, Harwood LM.  2016.  Exploring electronic effects on the partitioning of actinides (III) from lanthanides (III) using functionalised bis-triazinyl phenanthroline ligands. Dalton Trans.. 45:18102-18112.
Gramosa, NV, Ricardo NágilaMSP, Adams RW, Morris GA, Nilsson M.  2016.  Matrix-assisted diffusion-ordered spectroscopy: choosing a matrix. Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry. 54(10):815-820.
Bhadra, PK, Hassanzadeh A, Arsic B, Allison DG, Morris GA, Barber J.  2016.  Enhancement of the properties of a drug by mono-deuteriation: reduction of acid-catalysed formation of a gut-motilide enol ether from 8-deuterio-erythromycin B. Org. Biomol. Chem.. 14(26):6289-6296.
Power, JE, Foroozandeh M, Moutzouri P, Adams RW, Nilsson M, Coombes SR, Phillips AR, Morris GA.  2016.  Very broadband diffusion-ordered NMR spectroscopy: 19 F DOSY. Chem. Commun.. 52(42):6892-6894.
Power, JE, Foroozandeh M, Adams RW, Nilsson M, Coombes SR, Phillips AR, Morris GA.  2016.  Increasing the quantitative bandwidth of NMR measurements. Chem. Commun.. 52(14):2916-2919.
Formanuik, A, Ortu F, Beekmeyer R, Kerridge A, Adams RW, Mills DP.  2016.  White phosphorus activation by a Th(III) complex. Dalton Trans.. 45(6):2390-2393.
Foroozandeh, M, Adams RW, Kiraly P, Nilsson M, Morris GA.  2015.  Measuring couplings in crowded NMR spectra: pure shift NMR with multiplet analysis. Chem. Commun.. 51(84):15410-15413.
Aguilar, JA, Kiraly P, Adams RW, Bonneau Mëlle, Grayson EJ, Nilsson M, Kenwright AM, Morris GA.  2015.  Ultra-high dispersion NMR reveals new levels of detail. RSC Adv..
Ferrando-Soria, Jùs, Fernandez A, Moreno Pineda E, Varey SA, Adams RW, Vitorica-Yrezabal I​ñ​igoJ, Tuna F, Timco GA, Muryn CA, Winpenny REP.  2015.  Controlled Synthesis of Nanoscopic Metal Cages. Journal of the American Chemical Society. 137(24):7644-7647.
Aguilar, JA, Cassani J, Delbianco M, Adams RW, Nilsson M, Morris GA.  2015.  Minimising Research Bottlenecks by Decluttering NMR Spectra. Chemistry - A European Journal. 21(17):6623-6630.
Timári, Ián, Illyés TündeZ, Adams RW, Nilsson M, Szilágyi László, Morris GA, Kövér KE.  2015.  Precise Measurement of Long-Range Heteronuclear Coupling Constants by a Novel Broadband Proton-Proton-Decoupled CPMG-HSQMBC Method. Chemistry - A European Journal. 21(8):3472-3479.
Kiraly, P, Adams RW, Paudel L, Foroozandeh M, Aguilar JA, Timári Ián, Cliff MJ, Nilsson M, Sándor Péter, Batta G et al..  2015.  Real-time pure shift 15N HSQC of proteins: a real improvement in resolution and sensitivity. Journal of Biomolecular NMR.
Kaltschnee, L, Kolmer A, Timari I, Schmidts V, Adams RW, Nilsson M, Köver KE, Morris GA, Thiele CM.  2014.  â€œPerfecting” pure shift HSQC: full homodecoupling for accurate and precise determination of heteronuclear couplings. Chem. Commun.. 50:2512-2514.
Adams, RW, Byrne L, Kiraly P, Foroozandeh M, Paudel L, Nilsson M, Clayden J, Morris GA.  2014.  Diastereomeric ratio determination by high sensitivity band-selective pure shift NMR spectroscopy. Chemical Communications. 50(19):2512.
Vieira, MGS, Gramosa NV, Ricardo NágilaMPS, Morris GA, Adams RW, Nilsson M.  2014.  Natural product mixture analysis by matrix-assisted DOSY using Brij surfactants in mixed solvents. RSC Adv.. 4(79):42029-42034.
Aguilar, JA, Morris GA, Kenwright AM.  2014.  Pure shift 1H NMR, a robust method for revealing heteronuclear couplings in complex spectra. RSC Advances. 4(16):8278.