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Journal Article
Solomon, SA, Bickelhaupt MF, Layfield RA, Nilsson M, Poater J, Solà M.  2011.  A donor-functionalized, silyl-substituted pentadienyllithium: structural insight from experiment and theory. Chemical Communications. 47(21):6162.
Nilsson, M.  2009.  The DOSY Toolbox: A new tool for processing PFG NMR diffusion data. Journal of Magnetic Resonance. 200(2):296-302.
Williamson, DC, Narvainen J, Hubbard PL, Kauppinen RA, Morris GA.  2006.  Effects of radiation damping on Z-spectra. Journal of Magnetic Resonance. 183:203-212. Abstract
Morris, GA, Freeman R.  1979.  Enhancement of nuclear magnetic resonance signals by polarization transfer. Journal of the American Chemical Society. 101(3):760-762.
Bhadra, PK, Hassanzadeh A, Arsic B, Allison DG, Morris GA, Barber J.  2016.  Enhancement of the properties of a drug by mono-deuteriation: reduction of acid-catalysed formation of a gut-motilide enol ether from 8-deuterio-erythromycin B. Org. Biomol. Chem.. 14(26):6289-6296.
Du, J, Seed JA, Berryman VEJ, Kaltsoyannis N, Adams RW, Lee D, Liddle ST.  2021.  Exceptional uranium(VI)-nitride triple bond covalency from 15N nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy and quantum chemical analysisAbstract. Nature Communications. 12(1)
Freeman, R, Morris GA.  1978.  Experimental chemical shift correlation maps in nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. Journal of the Chemical Society, Chemical Communications. (16):684.
Edwards, AC, Wagner C, Geist A, Burton NA, Sharrad CA, Adams RW, Pritchard RG, Panak PJ, Whitehead RC, Harwood LM.  2016.  Exploring electronic effects on the partitioning of actinides (III) from lanthanides (III) using functionalised bis-triazinyl phenanthroline ligands. Dalton Trans.. 45:18102-18112.
Kaltschnee, L, Knoll K, Schmidts V, Adams RW, Nilsson M, Morris GA, Thiele CM.  2016.  Extraction of distance restraints from pure shift NOE experiments. Journal of Magnetic Resonance. 271:99-109.
Casta​ñ​ar, L, Moutzouri P, Barbosa TM, Tormena CF, Rittner R, Phillips AR, Coombes SR, Nilsson M, Morris GA.  2018.  FESTA: An Efficient Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Approach for the Structural Analysis of Mixtures Containing Fluorinated Species. Analytical Chemistry. 90(8)
Neuhaus, D, Bodenhausen G, Gadian D, Meier B, Morris GA.  2016.  Fifty years of “Progress in NMR Spectroscopy” – An editorial from the present Editorial Board. Progress in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy. 94-95:A2.
Martini, BR, Mandelshtam VA, Morris GA, Colbourne A, Nilsson M.  2013.  Filter diagonalization method for processing PFG NMR data. Journal of Magnetic Resonance. 234:125-134.
Cassani, J, Nilsson M, Morris GA.  2012.  Flavonoid Mixture Analysis by Matrix-Assisted Diffusion-Ordered Spectroscopy. Journal of Natural Products. 75(2):131-134.
Le Bailly, BAF, Byrne L, Diemer V, Foroozandeh M, Morris GA, Clayden J.  2015.  Flaws in foldamers: conformational uniformity and signal decay in achiral helical peptide oligomers. Chem. Sci.. 6(4):2313-2322.
Byrne, L, Solà J, Boddaert T, Marcelli T, Adams RW, Morris GA, Clayden J.  2013.  Foldamer-Mediated Remote Stereocontrol: >1,60 Asymmetric Induction. Angewandte Chemie. 53:151-155.
Barber, J, Lian LY, Morris GA, Tehrani MH.  1989.  FULL ASSIGNMENTS OF THE H-1 AND C-13 NMR-SPECTRA OF SODIUM FUSIDATE IN ORGANIC AND AQUEOUS-MEDIA. Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry. 27:740-747.
Morris, GA, Chilvers PB.  1994.  GENERAL ANALYTICAL SOLUTIONS OF THE BLOCH EQUATIONS. Journal of Magnetic Resonance Series A. 107:236-238.
Sinnaeve, D, Foroozandeh M, Nilsson M, Morris GA.  2016.  A General Method for Extracting Individual Coupling Constants from Crowded 1 H NMR Spectra. Angewandte Chemie International Edition. 55(3):1090-1093.
Smith, MJ, Casta​ñ​ar L, Adams RW, Morris GA, Nilsson M.  2022.  Giving Pure Shift NMR Spectroscopy a REST─Ultrahigh-Resolution Mixture Analysis. Analytical Chemistry.
Casta​ñ​ar, L, Dal Poggetto G, Colbourne A, Morris GA, Nilsson M.  2018.  The GNAT: a new tool for processing NMR data. Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry.
Clayden, J, Lemiègre Lïc, Morris GA, Pickworth M, Snape TJ, Jones LH.  2008.  Helix Persistence and Breakdown in Oligoureas of Metaphenylenediamine: Apparent Diastereotopicity as a Spectroscopic Marker of Helix Length in Solution. Journal of the American Chemical Society. 130(45):15193-15202.
Nilsson, M, Andersson R, Andersson R, Autio K, Ã…man P.  2000.  Heterogeneity in a water-extractable rye arabinoxylan with a low degree of disubstitution. Carbohydrate Polymers. 41(4):397-405.
Morris, GA, Gibbs A.  1991.  HETERONUCLEAR POLARIZATION TRANSFER BY MLEV-16 ISOTROPIC MIXING. Journal of Magnetic Resonance. 91:444-449.