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Tormena, CF, Evans R, Haiber S, Nilsson M, Morris GA.  2010.  Matrix-assisted diffusion-ordered spectroscopy: mixture resolution by NMR using SDS micelles. Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry. 48(7):550-553.
Tormena, CF, Evans R, Haiber S, Nilsson M, Morris GA.  2012.  Matrix-assisted diffusion-ordered spectroscopy: application of surfactant solutions to the resolution of isomer spectra. Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry. 50(6):458-465.
Timári, Ián, Kaltschnee L, Raics MáriaH, Roth F, Bell NGA, Adams RW, Nilsson M, Uhrín DÅ¡an, Morris GA, Thiele CM et al..  2016.  Real-time broadband proton-homodecoupled CLIP/CLAP-HSQC for automated measurement of heteronuclear one-bond coupling constants. RSC Adv.. 6(91):87848-87855.
Timári, Ián, Kaltschnee L, Kolmer A, Adams RW, Nilsson M, Thiele CM, Morris GA, Kövér KE.  2013.  Accurate determination of one-bond heteronuclear coupling constants with “pure shift” broadband proton-decoupled CLIP/CLAP-HSQC experiments. Journal of Magnetic Resonance. 239:130-138.
Timári, Ián, Illyés TündeZ, Adams RW, Nilsson M, Szilágyi László, Morris GA, Kövér KE.  2015.  Precise Measurement of Long-Range Heteronuclear Coupling Constants by a Novel Broadband Proton-Proton-Decoupled CPMG-HSQMBC Method. Chemistry - A European Journal. 21(8):3472-3479.
Timári, Ián, Kaltschnee L, Kolmer A, Adams RW, Nilsson M, Thiele CM, Morris GA, Kövér KE.  2014.  Accurate determination of one-bond heteronuclear coupling constants with “pure shift” broadband proton-decoupled CLIP/CLAP-HSQC experiments. Journal of Magnetic Resonance. 239:130-138.
Taylor, DA, Natrajan LS, Nilsson M, Adams RW.  2021.  SABRE‐enhanced real‐time pure shift NMR spectroscopy. Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry. 59(12):1244–1252.
Taylor, DA, Kiraly P, Bowyer P, Nilsson M, Castanar L, Morris GA, Adams RW.  2023.  Ultra-selective 1D clean in-phase correlation spectroscopy. Chemical Communications.