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Journal Article
Morris, GA.  1986.  MODERN NMR TECHNIQUES FOR STRUCTURE ELUCIDATION. Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry. 24:371-403.
Jones, RPO, Morris GA, Waterton JC.  1992.  MULTIPLE SPIN ECHOES IN A HIGH-RESOLUTION SPECTROMETER. Journal of Magnetic Resonance. 98:115-122.
Vieira, MGS, Gramosa NV, Ricardo NágilaMPS, Morris GA, Adams RW, Nilsson M.  2014.  Natural product mixture analysis by matrix-assisted DOSY using Brij surfactants in mixed solvents. RSC Adv.. 4(79):42029-42034.
Kiraly, P, Kern N, Plesniak MP, Nilsson M, Procter DJ, Morris GA, Adams RW.  2021.  Needles from haystacks: single‐scan selective excitation of individual NMR signals in overlapping multiplets. Angewandte Chemie International Edition. 60:666-669.
Evans, CL, Morris GA, Davis AL.  2002.  A new method for variable temperature gradient shimming. Journal of Magnetic Resonance. 154:325-328. Abstract
Dal Poggetto, G, Casta​ñ​ar L, Morris GA, Nilsson M.  2016.  A new tool for NMR analysis of complex systems: selective pure shift TOCSY. RSC Adv.. 6(102):100063-100066.
Bodenhausen, G, Freeman R, Morris GA, Turner DL.  1978.  NMR spectra of some simple spin systems studied by two-dimensional fourier transformation of spin echoes. Journal of Magnetic Resonance (1969). 31(1):75-95.
Lapenna, S, Bilia AR, Morris GA, Nilsson M.  2009.  Novel artemisinin and curcumin micellar formulations: Drug solubility studies by NMR spectroscopy. Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences. 98(10):3666-3675.
Hodge, P, Monvisade P, Morris GA, Preece I.  2001.  A novel NMR method for screening soluble compound libraries. Chemical Communications. :239-240. Abstract
Nilsson, M, Ã…man P, Härkönen H, Hallmans Göran, Knudsen KEB, Mazur W, Adlercreutz H.  1997.  Nutrient and lignan content, dough properties and baking performance of rye samples used in Scandinavia. Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica, Section B - Plant Soil Science. 47(1):26-34.
Zhu, XP, Hutchinson CE, Chilvers PB, Morris GA, Hawnaur JM, Taylor CJ.  1995.  OFF-RESONANCE BINOMIAL COMPOSITE PULSES IN 2D AND 3D FAT WATER IMAGING AT 0.5 T. British Journal of Radiology. 68:134-140. Abstract
Loening, NM, Keeler J, Morris GA.  2001.  One-dimensional DOSY. Journal of Magnetic Resonance. 153:103-112. Abstract
Pelta, MD, Morris GA, Stchedroff MJ, Hammond SJ.  2002.  A one-shot sequence for high-resolution diffusion-ordered spectroscopy. Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry. 40:S147-S152. Abstract
Horne, TJ, Morris GA.  1997.  P-type gradient-enhanced COSY experiments show lower t(1) noise than N-type. Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry. 35:680-686. Abstract
Mallol, R, Rodríguez MA, Heras M, Vinaixa M, Plana NÃ, Masana Lís, Morris GA, Correig X.  2012.  Particle size measurement of lipoprotein fractions using diffusion-ordered NMR spectroscopy. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry. 402(7):2407-2415.
Hassanzadeh, A, Gorry PA, Morris GA, Barber J.  2006.  Pediatric erythromycins: a comparison of the properties of erythromycins A and B 2 '-ethyl succinates. Journal of Medicinal Chemistry. 49:6334-6342. Abstract
Adams, RW, Holroyd CM, Aguilar JA, Nilsson M, Morris GA.  2013.  "Perfecting" WATERGATE: clean proton NMR spectra from aqueous solution. Chemical Communications. 49(4):358.
Chorlton, AP, Morris GA, Sutherland JK.  1991.  POLYFUNCTIONAL BICYCLO 6.3.0 UNDECANE INTERMEDIATES. Journal of the Chemical Society-Perkin Transactions 1. :1205-1210. Abstract
Ã…man, P, Nilsson M, Andersson R.  1997.  Positive Health Effects of Rye.. Cereal Foods World. 42(8):684-688.
Barjat, H, Chilvers PB, Fetler BK, Horne TJ, Morris GA.  1997.  A practical method for automated shimming with normal spectrometer hardware. Journal of Magnetic Resonance. 125:197-201.
Timári, Ián, Illyés TündeZ, Adams RW, Nilsson M, Szilágyi László, Morris GA, Kövér KE.  2015.  Precise Measurement of Long-Range Heteronuclear Coupling Constants by a Novel Broadband Proton-Proton-Decoupled CPMG-HSQMBC Method. Chemistry - A European Journal. 21(8):3472-3479.
Van Lokeren, L, Willem R, van der Beek D, Davidson P, Morris GA, Ribot Fçois.  2010.  Probing the Anions Mediated Associative Behavior of Tin-12 Oxo-Macrocations by Pulsed Field Gradient NMR Spectroscopy. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 114(39):16087-16091.
Villanueva, RD, Sousa AMM, Gonçalves MP, Nilsson M, Hilliou L.  2010.  Production and properties of agar from the invasive marine alga, Gracilaria vermiculophylla (Gracilariales, Rhodophyta). Journal of Applied Phycology. 22(2):211-220.